System status—Everything seems to be operational.

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USA Support Phone Number - Ultius +1 (800) 405-2972

International support numbers

USA Support Phone Number - UltiusUSA
+1 (800) 405-2972Toll-free +1 (702) 979-7365Local/SMS
Canada Support Phone Number - UltiusCAN
+1 (800) 597-3941Toll-free
Australia Support Phone Number - UltiusAUS
+1 (800) 764-195Toll-free
United Kingdom Support Phone Number - UltiusGBR
+0 (808) 134-9867Toll-free

Why is my order marked "unpaid" on my dashboard after I paid for it?

What's happening: You have placed and paid for your order, but when you look at the dashboard in your Ultius account the order is marked “unpaid”.

Answer: Contact our Client Success team immediately and they will help resolve the situation. Please be sure to have your payment confirmation on hand for reference.