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Writer Type - Explained

Choose which writer(s) are eligible to work on your order

By selecting the writer type you want, you can make sure that only the top writers are eligible to work on your order. Additional costs may apply.

Best Available

With this option, we match your order with the writers that we believe will be best suited to complete your project with the level of quality you want.

Graduate Writer (+20% Cost)

Graduate writers make up the top 20% performers in our entire writing staff based on credentials, order history and other determining factors. Your order is also prioritized higher and gets specialized order review upon completion. There is an additional 20% cost to choosing this writer type.

Requested Writer (+15% Cost)

Request a specific writer you have either added to your favorites list or have worked with in the past. There is an additional 15% cost to choosing this writer type. Please read the Writer Availability Policy for more information.

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